When it comes to adding 50th details to any of Olszewski's miniatures, I have to ask myself two questions: 1) What details were added to the building or attraction during the 50th, and 2) Which of those details can reasonably be added to the miniature?
We'll look at the answer to each question below when it comes to the Jungle Cruise:
1) As best as I can remember (and confirm through internet searches), the Jungle Cruise had two decorative additions to commemorate Disneyland's 50th: a hidden 50th Mickey above the queue entrance and one of its boats, the Congo Queen, was repainted in the gold and scarlet 50th color scheme (attraction vehicles repainted for the 50th were called "golden vehicles"). Below are a couple of photos showing these additions that I found on Jimhillmedia.com:
Photo by Jeff Lange
Photo by Jeff Lange
This photo was found on Pinterest and was attributed to startedbyamouse.com:
2) As far as feasibility of adding these two details, the hidden Mickey really shouldn't be too difficult to add. I should be able to whip up a properly scaled version on Photoshop then print it on cardstock. After that it would just need a small bit of adhesive to put it in place.
I pulled the following picture from agidistrict.com, and it shows the queue from the miniature. It looks like the addition of the hidden Mickey would be relatively simple. As a side note, agidistrict.com is an excellent website covering much more extensive customizations of Olszewski miniatures than what I am attempting. The site is well worth a visit and the end results are phenominal.
photo from agidistrict.com
The golden vehicle presents a bit more of a challenge. There are four miniature boats on the attraction miniature. The boat returning to dock near the edge of the piece look like it has the easiest access for repainting:
photo from agidistrict.com
My initial plan is to carefully mask off the water, surrounding details, and the boat's name sign on top of the canopy, then paint the canopy scarlet. After the scarlet dries I'll carefully mask off the scarlet lines on the canopy, then paint the entire boat gold. As long as all the masking is done correctly, I should get a golden boat with a gold and scarlet stripped canopy when all the masking material comes off.
At some point in the future I hope to have a separate post chronicling my additions to the Jungle Cruise miniature. They should end up being a nice, subtle touch that will bring back fond memories of the 50th celebration. The only thing preventing me from getting started is the fact that I haven't yet purchased the Jungle Cruise miniature. It's high on my priority list, but I haven't yet been given the opportunity to buy it. Minor detail, right?
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